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RSJ Beams

RSJ (Rolled Steel Joist) beams are similar to universal beams in many ways. What makes them different is in the way that they are shaped. RSJ beams are widely used in the construction industry on a wide variety of projects and the strength of the Rolled Steel Joists mainly comes from the way they are manufactured. RSJ’s are made using a specialised process, where the entire beam is rolled from a single piece of structural steel and it is this unique process that gives the RSJ its load bearing capability, and is used in millions of building across the world.

Once the RSJ has been installed, it can be hidden with wood, brick and plaster, to insure that it’s presence does not interfere with the look, style and flow of the building’s interior. We manufacture the highest quality steel RSJ beams using tried and tested methods and with only the best equipment, from the highest quality structural steel available. It is this combination of advanced equipment, decades of expertise, quality of materials and personal dedication that ensures the high degree of endurance that goes into an SSF RSJ. 

The special shape allows RSJ beams to be used as Universal Beams or Universal Columns. Our experts at our steel fabrication workshop can produce any size RSJ beams to meet any needs. So no matter what it is you are looking to build, you can insure that it will last the test of time with an SSF rolled steel joist at the heart of it.

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